Thursday, December 30, 2010

Life comes at you fast!

Life comes at you fast; I'm sure everyone has had that saying thrown at them at least once.Life started throwing itself at me last year. I was getting ready to leave and go to Easter Washington University and start a new chapter. Now most normal teens are totally pumped to leave and go off to college; notice how I said most teens? Well I was not so ready to go out and chart my own course, I was stuck in Neverland facing Peter Pan syndrome, not wanting to grow up. I was an 18 year old who was a complete failure as an adult. No car, no job, no license, and from the look of it, going no where.I felt like life was a major league baseball player throwing one curve ball after another and I was the uncoordinated dork who got suck with him for batting practice, that actually felt more like target practice. I was in a down ward spiral to complete loserdom (yes, I am making up my own words). It got to the point where my parents had to go all Paul Bunyan on me and bring down the axe. At first I thought, wow this is completely unfair but then I realized that I am truing into one of those people who is a slug that lives with their parent until they are 40. I started to panic. Step one to becoming my own personal Superman and defeating my kryptonight is getting the whole driving part squared away. Spending the time to actually study for the written test was like scraping a cheese grater across my forehead. I hate homework for starters, and driving scares the crap out of me. Any ways, I learned how to deal with the scaring on my forehead and take the test. I barely passed the written with an 80, but hey I passed. I also want to point out the the test questions contradict common sense. The next thing I had to do was actually drive; everyone run for your lives I'm behind the wheel!!! I passed with an 86, BOO YA!!! Phase one was complete, I am now a licensed driver! Phase two is school. I start LCC in the January. So phase 2 is well on its way. Phase 3 is where I hit a road block; finding a job. In this crappy economy, yeah right. After the first of the year I am going to hit the pavement, hard!

This brings me to my New Years resolution. I am not doing the typical weight loss, find love, make more money, or anything like that. I am A: going to get a job, or die trying, B: get into Northwest University, C: get a car, and D: apply for a different scholarship, everyday until I leave for school. It seems a little heavy to me but I have to do it. Now that these thoughts are going through my head I am starting to see life a little differently. I always talk about wanting adventure, wanting change, and wanting to grow and now I am going out and doing it. The past couple of days I have found myself randomly day dreaming that I am a college student at NYU (super far from home), I live in a coed dorm (not in my comfort zone), I go to school on a campus that is HUGE ( not what I am used to) and you know what, I am soooo freaking happy with life. It is like I am seeing everything for the first time with no child glasses on and I am really excited. Oh and for those of you who actually read this will really get a kick out of this one. I have no boyfriend and I LOVE IT!!!! Almost every post that I did before had something to do with love, because let's face it, I am a girl and it is a great subject to write about. However now I am soooo glad that I don't have to deal with making a guy happy! I want to make me happy and worry about my future! =D Wow it feels really good to say that!

Now I will leave you with this. Being completely petrified of life and its unknown possibilities is completely normal and ok, but don't let fear bring your life to a screeching halt. Write your own story, be your own hero, and for God's sake, don't make your story a drama, horror, or murder mystery. =P Good night!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Your Money Could Be At Risk......

Ok so in todays society money is something that everyone wants and desperatly needs. What would you do if you tried to make more money for your family and in turn wound up losing overa hundred dollars? Well here is my answers as to what I would do.

My mom signed up with this company called Direct Commerce Academy. This company looked great and super affective. What you do is you start a blog for this company and work from your home, sounds perfect right? Well according to their success story a woman of three from Vancouver lost her job and was making over a thousand dollars a month. My mom and several other people and a couple of corporations have falled hard for this scam. Facebook and Paypal are the two major companies that I have heard of that have fallen hard for this sick scam. This company is stealing over a hundred dollers out of the accounts of all who sign up for this company when the victums were only expecting to pay the promised $2.50. This is a sad and sick crime becasue the only people who are signing up for this company are the ones who need money and that is exactly what ios being stolen from them. My family just lost $139.95.... I hope that you all get the word out about this company. They need to be stopped.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What A Girl Wants....

Right now I am going to explain the mystery of how girls tick. I know, I know sounds very complicated and it sounds like a dangerous discussion. First things first, girls actually like to talk about their feelings! Now I know if any guys actually read this they are gonna go oh no! She wants to talk! And for your information yes you actually have to listen. We want a guy who actually cares about what we have to say and who will actually contribute to our conversations; not someone who just sits there like one of Medusa's statues.

The next thing is that "I love you" means so much more then "love you" or "love ya". Believe it or not when a guy takes the time to actually look into your eyes and tells you "I love you" it means the world to a girl, and guys if you really want to get to her heart then tell her that you are completely in love with her, she will melt (but when you say this you better mean it).

Next on the list girls do not expect fancy trinkets to tell them you love them (unless they are high maintenance). The little thing are what really count. Making them something; whether it be cookies, a poem, a love letter, or a scrap book of the both of you; yes I said a scrapbook.

Here are just a few more random tidbits when it comes to the little things; we love it when you cuddle with us, a kiss on the cheek means you care, we don't want to make all of the plans, we are always ready to talk so just call, we love to be surprised, cursing, fighting, or having a great car don't impress us so stop trying, when we say we are cold that it your cue to warm us up, hugs sometimes mean more then you think and if we ever ask for your advice we actually want the truth and want to hear what you have to say. That last statement brings me to my next point.

Be honest with us..... honesty will take you miles in a relationship. If a girl asks you "Honey do these pants make my butt look big?" if they do be honest and I mean gently honest! Don't just come out and say "yeah it looks huge!" If you are nice about it and honest about it she will thank you for it later.

Girls are complex beings that have to be handled with care. We only want a man who is willing to love us despite our complexities.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Film and Life......

Everyone in the world has that one movie that they can watch over and over and over again because it touches their soul. One of the movies that does that for me is Avatar (yes I am well aware that statement makes me a geek to the core). I have been having some trouble understanding life and how things come into play, I have also been having trouble accepting the fact that I do not and will never have all of the answers to life's question. Which brings me to why I love this movie.

First off Jake Sully as many of you know in a Marine who lost the movement of his legs but never stopped living. That is truly a strong person. That made me realize that people should not live their lives with limitations. I don't have a million friends and I am not the most popular person in my town (most consider me odd) but I am OK with that. Watching this movie made me realize that I will find that little niche in this is psycho world where I feel like I am a part of something; just as Jake did on Pandora. My first question is taken care of.

My second thing is, shocking love. That is a very hot topic with me because I want it but can't ever seem to find it. Watching Avatar made me want a love like Jake and Neytiri. The kind of love that is more then a relationship is a bond. The first time I watched that movie I was kind of thrown by the fact that instead if "I love you" they say "I see you". Well that doesn't make sense, right? Wrong. To be perfectly honest those words to me almost mean the same thing. Let me explain because I know that doesn't really make sense. "I love you" is how people show that they care about one another, but in today's world it does not mean the same thing as it should. Today the words "I love you" get tosses around like a hackey sack that can easily be replaced by another. That is not how the words should be uses. In Avatar when they say "I see you" they are saying I see you for who you are and I would never change you; that is why I love you. Isn't that what love truly is? Isn't that what the words "I love you" are supposed to mean? I thought so and I still fully believe that. If God had intended man kind to give and get rid of love as they please he would not have allowed us to use our hole hearts when we really do love some one.

This is a message for everyone. The next time you go to say something to some one, whether it be "I love you" or something else; think about what your saying really means and how it is going to affect some one. No one should have to settle for anything other then the truth, and if a person is not willing to be truthful in what they say and do then do not waste your time on them. There is no reason to hurt yourself when there are so many reasons to just live your life with no limitations.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Imagine: Article one of Insparations

Imagination; fuel for the human soul. The ability to imagine infinite possibilities is a skill that people should hold near and dear to their hearts if they have that ability. To have an imagination mean that you have creativity and creativity can create an entire new world. Pablo Picasso stated that “Everything you can imagine is real.” Now, to some people that seems completely preposterous, but in reality it is true. Let us look at several aspects where this idea seems completely out of the question. One is in the imagination that magic is real. While the wands and wizards are not real like the world of Harry Potter there is another kind of magic that is real. Eternal youth; not physically but mentally. The one thing that is a proven fact that this magic exists is Disneyland. Has anyone ever been able to leave the part and remain the self controlled adult they were when they entered? No. It does not matter if you are 5 years old or getting ready to celebrate your 95th birthday; everyone has the magic of eternal youth.

This is just one form of magic. It can come in many different forms for other people. For me it comes in the form of music, books, love, and film. First is music. To me music is a way of expression that speaks volumes because it shows passion. I can hear a song and be having the worst day and it can completely change my perspective; the magic of change. The next is books. Books come in all different types of categories. Every category takes me on a new adventure; Maximum Ride is an adventure of danger, romance, and adrenaline; Peter pan is a story of romance, fairies, and a whole new place of adventure. Theses stories crate an escape from a normal life, the magic of adventure. Now, on to my personal favorite, love. Love is almost an entire category in itself. To be in love is a feeling that can not really be described. When a person is in love all thoughts are consumed by that special some one almost like a spell. The thought of their face makes your knees feel weak and when they kiss you the whole world just disappears; the magic of love. Lastly is film. Without the imagination that is put into writing a script, finding characters, dressing said characters, and putting on a wonderful production there would be no films in the world. I love film because they can be moving and seem so real even thought you are just watching the lives of the people on the silver screen unfold. When I come out of a movie I feel like anything is possible like what I just saw was real. That may sound sad and some what crazy but it is another escape from reality; the magic of fiction.

The world needs imagination or else life as we know it would just come to a screeching halt. When I say thins I don’t just mean the happiness factor, I mean all life. Without imagination we would have never had the wheel, computers, cell phones and all the wonderful varieties that Starbucks has to offer. Imagination makes people interesting and wonderful. This brings me to the saying, “the mind is a terrible thing to waste”, if you have no imagination then you have already wasted your mind, and most of your life’s happiness.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

My Life In The Stop Lane....

Having one of those days...... you ever had one of those days where you just are not content with being yourself? Well I am. I don't know what it is but something just got me down. I think it is all this rain, but back to my day and what I was talking about. I wish there was some adventure! For me this could be a number of things. The first thing that comes to mind is m parents winning the lottery; now that is a good time =). I would wake up first thing in the morning and go get me my new Subaru Outback that I want. My senior trip would be a no brain er! I would be going to the Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas... and possible bring home a cute cabana boy ha ha! That is adventure numero uno. The second one that comes to mind is the adventure of love. Meeting the right guy, because lets face it, those who know me know that I have no luck with the guy department. Now when I say meet the right guy I don't mean I want prince charming to walk up to me in class and wonder where I have been his whole life; that is way to cliche for me and too conventional. I am a more unconventional person. I dream of having that wow factor. Now i don't mean wow factor like the guy is a super spy or anything because that is just crazy talk; I mean something along the lines of I have never met this guy before and he makes an effort to get to know me and takes me out on a date that is something totally crazy, like a hockey game, a museum, a candle lit picnic in the park, something not normal. No movies, or generic dinner dates those are over rated. I picture my night in shining armor as something a little more brash then the typical spic and span stereo type. I picture a savage hockey player, a guy with a few tattoos and maybe a piercing or two, or maybe even a dancer. Like I said, I don't do typical. And now da da da! Adventure number three something crazy that could never happen. Becoming best friends with some one totally famous. I don't know who but that would be awesome! I think shopping in crazy places and going to awesome clubs and meeting other famous people would be completely insane!

Well Those are my adventures one or two may happen ha ha but for now I am just going to enjoy my like in Kelso where nothing crazy ever happens and I will just dream about one of my wonderful adventures possibly happening.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Tennyson and love...

Every one at one point or another has heard the saying, "Ti's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all." Lord Alfred Tennyson wrote that. Now Tennyson is an amazing writer but I personally do not think that he really grasped the concept of what he was actually writing. If a person has never loved then they honestly do not know what they are missing. It is like a person never eating junk food; they know what it is and they want it but they will not understand how it tastes until they have actually had it, the same concept with love. See when a person really truly loves and then loses that love it is not like losing a favorite shirt or a favorite book. When a true love is lost, that person looses a part of them selves. We as humans spend about half of our life trying to figure out who we are, now picture losing a piece of that. It took some much time to build that one piece and now you have to start all over. That is true love. Also true love is even more then that. True love is when a person goes to bed and dreams about the one that they love but wake up to realities nightmare when they have come to realize that the warm and safe embrace is not really there. True love is when you get excited when your phone goes off thinking it might be that person. True love is when you are more excited for that special persons victories then your own and that you are more disappointed for their failures then your own.

I believe in true love with my whole heart and I know what it is like to loose love as well and I have to strongly disagree with Tennyson because with the heartache that I feel, I would rather have never loved at all. Yes, true love can actually be that strong.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Love's List

Every person and every culture believes in their "other half". I am included. The amazing thing about love is that there are so many stories about it. One of my personal favorites is the one from Greek mythology. The gods took one man and split him right down the middle; half of him was male and half was the female. These two people would search their whole lives just for the other half; and in the words of H.L. and the News, "That's the power of love!"

Thinking about all this made me think about what I see in love. Now I came to think I knew what I wanted at church camp last year. I made a list of what I want in a relationship and what I deserve. My list is a little faulty.... and it is also long.

  1. A man that is kind to all

  2. A man that has a heart for God

  3. A man that is honest

  4. A man that is loyal

  5. A man that has all of his priorities in order

  6. A man who can make me laugh

  7. A man who is pure is preferred

  8. A man who wants to take charge of the relationship spiritually

  9. A man who will take the time to sit and talk with me

  10. A man who does not speak to me out of anger

  11. A man who is a gentleman

  12. A man who sees the beauty in forgiveness

  13. A man who would love my family like their own

  14. A man who treats me as an equal

  15. A man who shows me how much he loves me in random little ways.

  16. A man is creative

  17. A man that knows how to have fun

  18. A man who is not afraid of my emotions

  19. A man who will sit an pray with me

  20. A man who will pray for me

  21. A man with the right amount of independence and the right amount of dependence

  22. A man that I can call my best friend

  23. A man that would kiss me on the nose because he thinks it is adorable

  24. A man that will call me in the middle of the night to talk to me because he had a nightmare and wants to hear my voice

  25. A man who would stay with me all night if I had a nightmare just to make sure I could get some sleep

  26. A man that wants to spend every waking moment with me but doesn't because he loves the anticipation

  27. A man that has no problem admitting his feelings to me or anyone else

  28. A man that will shout from the roof tops how he feels when he is ready

  29. A man who will dance with me when there is no music

  30. A man who will sing to me when there is no music

  31. A man who will write poetry about me

  32. A man that wants to take me or random little trips

  33. A man who loves to dance, and will take me dancing

  34. A man that believes that a romantic dinner does not have to cost a boat load of money

  35. A man who will actually send me flowers just because he was thinking about me, and he will get the flowers based on what one remind him of me.

So as you can see I have a huge list =) and I can continue, but then I am worried that it will start turning into a work of fiction... I'm afraid I might have already crossed that line, but a girl can dream right?! If only, if only. Well I am going to head to bed now and dream about my perfect man. Because I now that no matter what happens in reality I will always have my prince charming in my dreams; he will save me from waking up tonight. =)

Friday, May 7, 2010

Mind Sweeper (the relationship version.)

Well everyone has either seen or played a game called Minesweeper. You know, the one where you click on the little squares and try not to hit a bomb. Well my most resent relationship reminds me of the game Minesweeper. First it started out great, hitting a couple of ones when he would give me cute little compliments, some twos when he would kiss my nose and tell me he loves me, and the occasional threes when he would give me cute little gifts to show me how much he loves me. Well with every good streak has to come a bomb; especially for me because I have never won Minesweeper. After the first "bomb" I was crushed and cried for two days. Well today I hit a couple of twos when I got an 'I love you" and an "I miss you" little did I know that was all followed by another BOMB! This is why I do not play video games I do not understand them.

I can officially say that I hate the game Minesweeper, because I don't do mind games. No one should play them because they give you headaches.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

I am a princess and my Father is the King of Kings....

Have you ever heard the saying, "the heart wants what the heart wants"? Well my heart seems to want the wrong things. I am saying this as a newly single woman. I feel in love with a man who was my everything. I have never loved so deeply and then... Poof! There it goes. This whole relationship has really opened my eyes to a few things.

1. I have NEVER been in love like this before.

2. A man must love a woman despite what some others think.

3. And lastly, 1 John 4:18... There is no fear in love; perfect love drives out fear. Fear has to do with punishment; he who fears is not perfect in love.

That is 100% true! If you are afraid of anything in a relationship you are not only going to punish yourself but the one that you are with. This fear destroys everything; happiness, good sleep, friendships, the whole relationship will suffer. After a whole day of crying I am actually doing great. I have a new out look on life. In God's eyes I am a princess, and my heart is solely his and just on lone to another man. There for any man who wishes to have my heart has to go to God to get it and he has to treat me like a princess too. I know that probably sounds conceded but it is the truth..... I think it is time for me to turn into bed; work was long and my feet hurt. =)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

How to wear the products at your work.....

So a big part of growing up is getting that first job. Well I am a little late in the game but I got myself a job at Burgerville in Kelso... go number 43! Anyways, My very first day was Wednesday. Let me tell you I was super nervous because this was all new to me. Wednesday went really well, I got a free milkshake at the end of the day! Yesterday was my second day of work and I had another really good day and I got a free ice cream cone! All this free stuff was making me think that this was the best job ever. Well then today happened ha ha. Now don't get me wrong today was still a good day but i came to realize that it is not all sunshine and free foods. It was really busy today so I decided not to take my ten min break because I was either cleaning, on shakes, on fryer, stocking, or taking orders;and you know what I was totally OK with that. Any who, I went to make a regular fresh strawberry shake for a customer and I used a shake machine that had been turned off. Apparently the machine was turned off for a reason; it seems that the blender was on the fritz. I stuck the milkshake into the blender, and was totally confident because I had already done about 10 today, I held the cup with both hands, pushed on the pedal and was ready to get the customer their shake quickly..... Serve with love! As I pushed down on the pedal the mixer stared to freak....... Now if you ever want to learn how to were a Burgerville milkshake here is what you do. First you make sure to put all the right things into a regular fresh seasonal strawberry milkshake, which is, 3 pumps of fresh strawberries, half a cup of vanilla ice cream,and then fill the cup the rest of the way with shake mix. I had this in the bag! Step two, you stick the shake in the blender. Step three push on the pedal to make the blender work. and lastly is step four make sure to use a blender that likes to go a little NUTS! right when I hit that pedal I was baptized by the milkshake gods. The milk shake was all over the front of me, on my shoes, on my pants, on my hands, on my arms, and on my face. It was the sexiest out fit ever! So if you ever want to stand out at your work and really get to know your products this is how you make that magic happen.....

Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Story Of The Easter Shirt.....

First off I really just wanted to tell everyone HAPPY EASTER! Today has been a really good day for me.. I learned that the little things mean so so much. Something as small as a tee shirt can change a persons day and make them extreamly happy. I got a shirt today from a very special some one very dear to my heart. As some people know yesterday, Saturday, was my last Winter Guard performance of my senior year. Winter Guard is really all that I do and it is my passion. so giving this up is quite the bummer. Mister Wonderful thought it would be a great idea to buy me a shirt for Easter from my competition so I could have a token from my last winterguard show ever. It was so sentimental and sweet. Not only is the shirt guard and music related, IT IS MY FAVORITE COLOR!!!!

Girls out there I want you to think about something..... if you want your guy to be going out and start buying you a beautiful necklaces or a ring or whatever; you are making the idea of giving a gift too easy and slowly it will become meaningless. A gift from someone special should be beautiful and thoughtful. I got so very lucky and bless to have someone so sweet in my life!

Now that I have stated my peace I think I will turn in and go to bed.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Life in fast forward...

Have you had that moment when you wish that life could just come to a compleat halt so you can figure things out? I had that moment today. I am leaving for college in the fall and the realization is a huge slap in the face. I have come to find that feeling grown up and actually being grown up are two totally different things and that it can be very scary. Taking charge has never been my strong point and it is time to change that. I want to e a teacher for kindergartners or first graders so it isn't like my career requires the ability to do rocket science but it still requires a lot.
I have learned two things today. No matter how bad your parents irritate you and upset you when they push about your future, you need to listen. I have seriously shot myself in the foot because I was stubborn and did not listen. The second thing that I learned is that Hollywood makes the whole experience way to easy! Right now in high school I feel like a raven in a flock of doves because I feel more at home with the college life style but that is partly due to the fact that I still live at home because I still go to high school. While you read this I really want you to think do you know what you are going to do for the rest of your life? Make sure you know now because you could miss out on so much that could help you with your future.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

School is overrated......

I am officially going on a school strike. I can't stand how much people thrive on drama. I went to my high schools winter ball last night and it wasn't half bad until the music and some of the girls started showing up. I am a person who believes in modesty. for example I went wearing a short white dress that was really cute but I wore yellow tights and a cute pink sweater with it. Yes, I sound like an Easter egg but let me tell you it was very cute. Another girl showed up wearing the same dress as me but this years model so it was a little shorter because short is the new in thing (which I never understood. Clothes were made to cover a body not exploit it.) Any ways she started to stare at me and I though oh ha ha it is because the same dress but apparently she didn't think it was so funny. I never really got why It was a cardinal sin to wear the same dress to a dance as someone else. First off it's not like you followed the girl home like a crazy stalker to see what she was going to wear(if you did you have issues). Second if you both pick the same dress doesn't that just mean that you both have great taste? I would think that would give you an opportunity to be friends with that person, not look at her like you want her dress to burst into flames.

This talking about dresses has brought me to another point. Why do teenage girls and some grown women thing that less is more? Short and sassy is one thing; I wore short and sassy last night but short to the point that you are giving out the bread for free is some what sad. I'm gonna get all factual on you here but has anyone really taken a look at what is considered pretty and what is considered to be in style? The Dress that is orange and green is very similar to the one that I wore last night to my dance, it is the sweet and sassy one. The black one is similar to what almost every girl wore to the dance. I can not believe the fashion curve now a days. One girl had to walk around with her knees bent all night because if she stood up right her business was gonna hang out all over the place. When did that become appropriate? I must have missed that memo and if that is the case I really enjoy being a square.
On a lighter note I would like to report that the Alice in Wonderland movie was amazing but I am still partial to the SYFY version Alice because I am a sucker for romance. Speaking of SYFY I just found out today that the show Warehouse 13 does not start until JULY!!!! What exactly is the purpose for making someone wait that long for a show on TV??? I really do not see the point, but at the same time i don't work in television.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Homework and Practice and Alice, Oh my!

Whatever happened to homework being some what easy? I am starting to miss the lazy days of pre school when your only concern is whether or not you should eat the glue or who is going to draw on your face during nap time..... Ah, those were the days. Right now I think my day needs to consist of Winter Guard Practice, painting my nails for winter ball and then going to a movie tonight. Going to the beach for a few days would be very nice to because I am one of those people who is in desperate need for some warm sun or a trip of any kind, and I know I am not alone. Instead I am sitting at home listening to Eye To Eye from the Goofy Movie ( yes I am a self proclaimed nerd and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that; every one is a closet nerd at some point in time, some just more then others) and working on a 15 page research paper on the dangers of cosmetic surgery and my brain is about to explode! and that is not a mess that i would like to explain to my mother or clean up.Well on the bright side if that happens and I do go crazy I have a promising career for the next Alice in Wonderland movie if they make one. i could be the Mad Hatters Long lost sister or something.... Speaking of which I am going to see the new Disney Alice In Wonderland tonight at midnight in 3D, feel free to be jealous. I can't wait because I am completely in love with the SYFY version Alice, which came out on video Tuesday for those other nerds like me who are wondering. Well it is my time to say goodbye for the moment and head back to my torture in the world of computers and text book.....
