Having one of those days...... you ever had one of those days where you just are not content with being yourself? Well I am. I don't know what it is but something just got me down. I think it is all this rain, but back to my day and what I was talking about. I wish there was some adventure! For me this could be a number of things. The first thing that comes to mind is m parents winning the lottery; now that is a good time =). I would wake up first thing in the morning and go get me my new Subaru Outback that I want. My senior trip would be a no brain er! I would be going to the Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas... and possible bring home a cute cabana boy ha ha! That is adventure numero uno. The second one that comes to mind is the adventure of love. Meeting the right guy, because lets face it, those who know me know that I have no luck with the guy department. Now when I say meet the right guy I don't mean I want prince charming to walk up to me in class and wonder where I have been his whole life; that is way to cliche for me and too conventional. I am a more unconventional person. I dream of having that wow factor. Now i don't mean wow factor like the guy is a super spy or anything because that is just crazy talk; I mean something along the lines of I have never met this guy before and he makes an effort to get to know me and takes me out on a date that is something totally crazy, like a hockey game, a museum, a candle lit picnic in the park, something not normal. No movies, or generic dinner dates those are over rated. I picture my night in shining armor as something a little more brash then the typical spic and span stereo type. I picture a savage hockey player, a guy with a few tattoos and maybe a piercing or two, or maybe even a dancer. Like I said, I don't do typical. And now da da da! Adventure number three something crazy that could never happen. Becoming best friends with some one totally famous. I don't know who but that would be awesome! I think shopping in crazy places and going to awesome clubs and meeting other famous people would be completely insane!
Well Those are my adventures one or two may happen ha ha but for now I am just going to enjoy my like in Kelso where nothing crazy ever happens and I will just dream about one of my wonderful adventures possibly happening.
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