Have you ever heard the saying, "the heart wants what the heart wants"? Well my heart seems to want the wrong things. I am saying this as a newly single woman. I feel in love with a man who was my everything. I have never loved so deeply and then... Poof! There it goes. This whole relationship has really opened my eyes to a few things.
1. I have NEVER been in love like this before.
2. A man must love a woman despite what some others think.
3. And lastly, 1 John 4:18... There is no fear in love; perfect love drives out fear. Fear has to do with punishment; he who fears is not perfect in love.
That is 100% true! If you are afraid of anything in a relationship you are not only going to punish yourself but the one that you are with. This fear destroys everything; happiness, good sleep, friendships, the whole relationship will suffer. After a whole day of crying I am actually doing great. I have a new out look on life. In God's eyes I am a princess, and my heart is solely his and just on lone to another man. There for any man who wishes to have my heart has to go to God to get it and he has to treat me like a princess too. I know that probably sounds conceded but it is the truth..... I think it is time for me to turn into bed; work was long and my feet hurt. =)
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