Imagination; fuel for the human soul. The ability to imagine infinite possibilities is a skill that people should hold near and dear to their hearts if they have that ability. To have an imagination mean that you have creativity and creativity can create an entire new world. Pablo Picasso stated that “Everything you can imagine is real.” Now, to some people that seems completely preposterous, but in reality it is true. Let us look at several aspects where this idea seems completely out of the question. One is in the imagination that magic is real. While the wands and wizards are not real like the world of Harry Potter there is another kind of magic that is real. Eternal youth; not physically but mentally. The one thing that is a proven fact that this magic exists is Disneyland. Has anyone ever been able to leave the part and remain the self controlled adult they were when they entered? No. It does not matter if you are 5 years old or getting ready to celebrate your 95th birthday; everyone has the magic of eternal youth.
This is just one form of magic. It can come in many different forms for other people. For me it comes in the form of music, books, love, and film. First is music. To me music is a way of expression that speaks volumes because it shows passion. I can hear a song and be having the worst day and it can completely change my perspective; the magic of change. The next is books. Books come in all different types of categories. Every category takes me on a new adventure; Maximum Ride is an adventure of danger, romance, and adrenaline; Peter pan is a story of romance, fairies, and a whole new place of adventure. Theses stories crate an escape from a normal life, the magic of adventure. Now, on to my personal favorite, love. Love is almost an entire category in itself. To be in love is a feeling that can not really be described. When a person is in love all thoughts are consumed by that special some one almost like a spell. The thought of their face makes your knees feel weak and when they kiss you the whole world just disappears; the magic of love. Lastly is film. Without the imagination that is put into writing a script, finding characters, dressing said characters, and putting on a wonderful production there would be no films in the world. I love film because they can be moving and seem so real even thought you are just watching the lives of the people on the silver screen unfold. When I come out of a movie I feel like anything is possible like what I just saw was real. That may sound sad and some what crazy but it is another escape from reality; the magic of fiction.
The world needs imagination or else life as we know it would just come to a screeching halt. When I say thins I don’t just mean the happiness factor, I mean all life. Without imagination we would have never had the wheel, computers, cell phones and all the wond
erful varieties that Starbucks has to offer. Imagination makes people interesting and wonderful. This brings me to the saying, “the mind is a terrible thing to waste”, if you have no imagination then you have already wasted your mind, and most of your life’s happiness.

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