Remember that whole, lets see if I can make it through college thing, ha ha well..........
You ever feel like you are constantly beating your head up against a wall. Like you are meant to do something completely then where you are currently headed? Right now I do. I am glad to be in school no doubt but I am not in any way inspired with anything around me. I have no color right now at school, I am a blank canvas. I want to paint, craft, travel, write, dance, fall in love with creativity. I am already so sick of sitting and doing homework all the time. I haven't even had time to wander down town Kirkland yet! I have been in solitary confinement my first two weeks and it is only going to be getting worse. Doing summer school on top of all of this work has gotten to be over kill. I am starting to enjoy school less and less (although people think it is asinine that I even liked school to begin with). I feel like I am in a prison, surrounded by walls to textbooks, papers, and constant worries with a side order of guilt. I am constantly studying because I can't afford to not pass any classes. The price that colleges ask for an education is criminal! I spent my whole Saturday doing HOMEWORK! Seven straight hours to be exact, yesterday was four hours, and tomorrow I get to do more! It is no freaking wonder people drop out of college all the time. As of the moment I do not want to be a teacher. I want to sell art and I want to write novels and poetry, get into an art gallery, and sell my stories. Life is starting to become dry and very stagnant. I need something to change this all around or I am going to go dry and stagnant myself. One piece of advice for anyone who reads this.DO NOT EVER DO SUMMER SCHOOL! You need to give your self a break, do not do what I did. Please.
The tired, ranting, and overly stressed college student.
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