You know that whole saying, "life comes at you fast"? Well why is it that the only parts of life that come wizzing towards your head are the ones that you dont want and the ones that you do want to hurry up and get there take forever? For thoughs of you that know me I have a hard time being pacient with a lot of things and the aspects of life that I dont know anything about it one of these things. Everything is upside down and I feel like my brain is on the fritz. Well, that might have something to do with the six cups of coffee that I have drank today or the fact that I have now gone about 30 hours with no sleep, I think I am slightly delirious. The only thing I keep looking forward to is the day that I get to go to play practice. I feel safe, happy, creative, adn at home in the drama room. I feel like something is pulling me back to this one building. I know it isnt the lack of sleep talking becasue ever since I started doing Everyman I cant stop smiling when I leave practice. The people are beyond amazing.
Another thing I look forward to every day is watching the sun set. Like right now I am watching it through the drama hall windows and it is beautiful. The only hing that wouold mat it better is if I had some one to share it with and a hot beverage. I promise that is my only lovey dovey bit I am going to put into this post.
In other news I have broken my record for staying awake. I have officially gone 30 hours without sleep! It wasnt just pulling an all nighter either. It was writing a paper and deciding; hmm, do I try to sleep and brobably not wake up for class or do I just stay awake for 3 more houres an then get ready for class. I picked the second becasue it seemed to be the lesser of the two evils. So I stayed up and watche The Big Bang Theory for three hours. Oh and If you haven't seen the show you msut take a chance on it... SO FUNNY! I think the really funny part is that I actually get all of their jokes... most of them are all massive scientific terms but they make complete sence to me. It is probably my new favorite TV show =). The best thing about it is that the guys in it are 100 percent socially awkward; and I love socially awkward people! Any ways I need to get some sleep =). Talk to you all later!