I am officially going on a school strike. I can't stand how much people thrive on drama. I went to my high schools winter ball last night and it wasn't half bad until the music and some of the girls started showing up. I am a person who believes in modesty. for example I went wearing a short white dress that was really cute but I wore yellow tights and a cute pink sweater with it. Yes, I sound like an Easter egg but let me tell you it was very cute. Another girl showed up wearing the same dress as me but this years model so it was a little shorter because short is the new in thing (which I never understood. Clothes were made to cover a body not exploit it.) Any ways she started to stare at me and I though oh ha ha it is because the same dress but apparently she didn't think it was so funny. I never really got why It was a cardinal sin to wear the same dress to a dance as someone else. First off it's not like you followed the girl home like a crazy stalker to see what she was going to wear(if you did you have issues). Second if you both pick the same dress doesn't that just mean that you both have great taste? I would think that would give you an opportunity to be friends with that person, not look at her like you want her dress to burst into flames.
This talking about dresses has brought me to another point. Why do teenage girls and some grown women thing that less is more? Short and sassy is one thing; I wore short and sassy last night but short to the point that you are giving out the bread for free is some what sad. I'm gonna get all factual on you here but has anyone really taken a look at what is considered pretty and what is considered to be in style? The Dress that is orange and green is very similar to the one that I wore last night to my dance, it is the sweet and sassy one. The black one is similar to what almost every girl wore to the dance. I can not believe the fashion curve now a days. One girl had to walk around with her knees bent all night because if she stood up right her business was gonna hang out all over the place. When did that become appropriate? I must have missed that memo and if that is the case I really enjoy being a square.
On a lighter note I would like to report that the Alice in Wonderland movie was amazing but I am still partial to the SYFY version Alice because I am a sucker for romance. Speaking of SYFY I just found out today that the show Warehouse 13 does not start until JULY!!!! What exactly is the purpose for making someone wait that long for a show on TV??? I really do not see the point, but at the same time i don't work in television.
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