Whatever happened to homework being some what easy? I am starting to miss the lazy days of pre school when your only concern is whether or not you should eat the glue or who is going to draw on your face during nap time..... Ah, those were the days. Right now I think my day needs to consist of Winter Guard Practice, painting my nails for winter ball and then going to a movie tonight. Going to the beach for a few days would be very nice to because I am one of those people who is in desperate need for some warm sun or a trip of any kind, and I know I am not alone. Instead I am sitting at home listening to Eye To Eye from the Goofy Movie ( yes I am a self proclaimed nerd and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that; every one is a closet nerd at some point in time, some just more then others) and working on a 15 page research paper on the dangers of cosmetic surgery and my brain is about to explode! and that is not a mess that i would like to explain to my mother or clean up.Well on the bright side if that happens and I do go crazy I have a promising career for the next Alice in Wonderland movie if they make one. i could be the Mad Hatters Long lost sister or something.... Speaking of which I am going to see the new Disney Alice In Wonderland tonight at midnight in 3D, feel free to be jealous. I can't wait because I am completely in love with the SYFY version Alice, which came out on video Tuesday for those other nerds like me who are wondering. Well it is my time to say goodbye for the moment and head back to my torture in the world of computers and text book.....