So following up my all night escapade... I actually was up for a total of 36 hours, and let me tell you, it got very interesting. According to campus accounts from friends I tend to get sassier then normal when I am tired (Ha! Try to imagine that), and I get slightly delirious. The interesting part of my delirium is that it has carried over from my sleep deprived state to every day life. My delirium was shown through eminence excitement, well apparently college is Oh so very exciting to me. I find the dumbest things exciting. Example one; next weeks improve show is themed... 80s. I am so excited about it I spent the last class period planning my costume. Example two; the caff is serving chicken patties and burger buns. I almost did a cartwheel in line when I realized I get t have a chicken burger.
On top of my chicken excitement I have become entertainment for other students on campus. My best blunder thus far would probably have to be what happened on Monday. I have this thing where I walk/dance around campus at around 9:30-ish at night. I was rocking out to a remix of "All Night Long" by L.R. and I was walking to one of the back classrooms. Unbeknown st to me there was actually a class in the room. Mid dance move I turn around and wouldn't you know, there was a class full of about 30 students laughing. Glad you enjoyed the show, I'm here all semester! So far I am falling out of my comfort zone instead of stepping out of it. Glad to know I am a literal and subconscious klutz. Well I need to get to my love of the Big Bang Theory. "Live long and Prosper."