Is.t it completely crazy how much a movie can influence some of the things that you think about? I say yes, it is. I never really wanted to leave home and go away to school. Then I started watching all these movies about girls who go off to school and have the time of their life. Now I am so pumped to leave and start my own journey. Also I was never really a city girl, but then I fell in love with movies Center Stage, Step Up 3 and so forth, now I can't wait to live in the city. Lastly I have always loved writing but I have always kinda kept my stories and poems to myself. Now I am thinking other wise. I was watching the movie Revenge of the Bridesmaids and I realized that I am a lot like Parker and a little like Abigail. Both are total smart alacks and one loves to right.. In the movie Abby writes a book and is working on writing her second one. that totally hit with me and now I want to write a book. Now the problem I am having is coming up with a catchy title. I have the plot and characters all sorted out but a title not so much. So if anyone has any catchy titles for a chick-flick type book that is about finding freedom then hit me up and let me know because I am really stuck =).