Right now I am going to explain the mystery of how girls tick. I know, I know sounds very complicated and it sounds like a dangerous discussion. First things first, girls actually like to talk about their feelings! Now I know if any guys actually read this they are gonna go oh no! She wants to talk! And for your information yes you actually have to listen. We want a guy who actually cares about what we have to say and who will actually contribute to our conversations; not someone who just sits there like one of Medusa's statues.
The next thing is that "I love you" means so much more then "love you" or "love ya". Believe it or not when a guy takes the time to actually look into your eyes and tells you "I love you" it means the world to a girl, and guys if you really want to get to her heart then tell her that you are completely in love with her, she will melt (but when you say this you better mean it).
Next on the list girls do not expect fancy trinkets to tell them you love them (unless they are high maintenance). The little thing are what really count. Making them something; whether it be cookies, a poem, a love letter, or a scrap book of the both of you; yes I said a scrapbook.
Here are just a few more random tidbits when it comes to the little things; we love it when you cuddle with us, a kiss on the cheek means you care, we don't want to make all of the plans, we are always ready to talk so just call, we love to be surprised, cursing, fighting, or having a great car don't impress us so stop trying, when we say we are cold that it your cue to warm us up, hugs sometimes mean more then you think and if we ever ask for your advice we actually want the truth and want to hear what you have to say. That last statement brings me to my next point.
Be honest with us..... honesty will take you miles in a relationship. If a girl asks you "Honey do these pants make my butt look big?" if they do be honest and I mean gently honest! Don't just come out and say "yeah it looks huge!" If you are nice about it and honest about it she will thank you for it later.
Girls are complex beings that have to be handled with care. We only want a man who is willing to love us despite our complexities.