Everyone in the world has that one movie that they can watch over and over and over again because it touches their soul. One of the movies that does that for me is Avatar (yes I am well aware that statement makes me a geek to the core). I have been having some trouble understanding life and how things come into play, I have also been having trouble accepting the fact that I do not and will never have all of the answers to life's question. Which brings me to why I love this movie.
First off Jake Sully as many of you know in a Marine who lost the movement of his legs but never stopped living. That is truly a strong person. That made me realize that people should not live their lives with limitations. I don't have a million friends and I am not the most popular person in my town (most consider me odd) but I am OK with that. Watching this movie made me realize that I will find that little niche in this is psycho world where I feel like I am a part of something; just as Jake did on Pandora. My first question is taken care of.
My second thing is, shocking love. That is a very hot topic with me because I want it but can't ever seem to find it. Watching Avatar made me want a love like Jake and Neytiri. The kind of love that is more then a relationship is a bond. The first time I watched that movie I was kind of thrown by the fact that instead if "I love you" they say "I see you". Well that doesn't make sense, right? Wrong. To be perfectly honest those words to me almost mean the same thing. Let me explain because I know that doesn't really make sense. "I love you" is how people show that they care about one another, but in today's world it does not mean the same thing as it should. Today the words "I love you" get tosses around like a hackey sack that can easily be replaced by another. That is not how the words should be uses. In Avatar when they say "I see you" they are saying I see you for who you are and I would never change you; that is why I love you. Isn't that what love truly is? Isn't that what the words "I love you" are supposed to mean? I thought so and I still fully believe that. If God had intended man kind to give and get rid of love as they please he would not have allowed us to use our hole hearts when we really do love some one.
This is a message for everyone. The next time you go to say something to some one, whether it be "I love you" or something else; think about what your saying really means and how it is going to affect some one. No one should have to settle for anything other then the truth, and if a person is not willing to be truthful in what they say and do then do not waste your time on them. There is no reason to hurt yourself when there are so many reasons to just live your life with no limitations.